What I’ve Changed in my Home to Stay Organized

I’ve said this in a lot of my posts but I’ll say it again. Our house does not have a lot of storage space and to top it off me and my husband collect a lot of clutter. That’s why it’s important to me to create realistic systems of organization and and optimize our storage space.

My first organization project was turning my entry closet into a hall tree. You can check out the details here. Basically we needed an area at the entrance where we could dump all our things so it wouldn’t clutter the living or dining area.

Another conscious choice I make is buying furniture with multipurpose use. so for example. I have a cabinet at the entrance of my home. This is where we throw keys and sunglasses. It also is where my litter box is hidden. Listen there weren’t a lot of great places to put a litter box in this home so I had to get creative and this was the solution.

In the same realm, we bought an ottoman shortly after Celeste was born because our coffee table was not baby friendly. The ottoman has TONS of storage and it lifts up on one side so you can eat while sitting on the couch. We bought it from Amazon and love. You can check it out here.

So far this is what we have done, but I do have major plans to update the master bedroom closet. I think building in storage space to fit your personal needs it the best way to go about organizing your home. So often I felt paralyzed by change – like what if I don’t use it this way forever? Then I end up in a cycle of not fully optimizing my space. I’ve embraced just going for it and it has turned out for the better!

Rachel Williams

Artist | Designer | Educator

Making mistakes and fixing them, so you don’t have to