My Design Plan for the Master Bedroom

So after having a baby, I’ve realized that the Master Bedroom is well….lacking in certain ways. Postpartum you spend a lot of time in your bed and you start to notice things that could be better. Our Master Bedroom isn’t huge and I don’t necessarily need one that’s the size of a small apartment – HOWEVER, there are things that are not helping it feel any bigger. So my next project is reworking the Master bedroom.

Let’s take a look at where we are and what needs to change.

So first, we’ll discuss the overall vibe. I really like feminine decor but I am totally aware that I live with a man who might not necessarily like that. Overall my husband trusts my intuition and as long as things are functional, he’s not too particular on the look. He did mention to me that he would like some more masculine features in the bedroom so I tried to balance the two. I have some really nice purple tones in the rug and on the wall, for me, and then balanced it with dark woods and metals, a more industrial vibe, for him. I still want to keep this vibe but I think I need to rework a lot of the furniture to make the space feel bigger.

From this angle you can see the two dressers, one in the closet and one across from the bed. This was crate furniture that I dressed up with new legs and handles. I actually really like how they look but my issue with them is that they are so bulky! Unfortunately two or three inches is a big deal in this space so I think I need to swap them out with something more space-saving but with the same kind of look.

A more compact dresser like this would fit better in the space.

Then there’s the closet. Right now the dressers and the closet all hold my things and my husband is using the nursery. Yeah…..that’s not going to work soon. I really want to create more closet organization for him to use and then store most of my things in the dresser while using a fraction of the closet. So my idea is, take out the current dresser in closet (because that’s awkward anyways) and incorporate more built in storage to use. Also I hate bifold doors and want to replace it with something else – I recently saw someone use vertical blinds as doors to their closet which I thought was a neat idea. My other thought is to have actual built ins from Ikea or something similar.

Vertical blinds could potentially be the “doors” to the closet.


Or I could do a more built in look for the closet like this.


Moving on, I want to take a look at our current bed and side tables. I have a few issues with these as well. I do like the look of the bed frame….but (and it’s a big but) it was very cheap and we feel the cheapness every night. We cannot get the bedframe to stop squeaking. We tighten all the bolts and it doesn’t do anything! Anytime me or my husband shifts in our sleep it wakes the other from the constant squeaking! As for the side tables, they came with the dressers and again, bulky.

So for the bedframe: I originally chose this one to tie in the industrial elements but I discovered postpartum that your girl wants more comfort so I’m thinking something fabric and padded, at least for the headboard. One of the complaints my husband had of our previous bed was always running into the corners and so he wanted a footboard to prevent that from happening. Sorry to say I think the footboard really compresses the room and also postpartum, that thing got in the way, way too much (IDK about you but sometimes you need to enter the bed at weird angles if you got a baby in your arms). Also, to make more room for my husbands clothes in the closet, I need to move stuff out – so under the bed storage would be a great option.

Something plush with under the bed storage for the bed.


You may have noticed that awkwardly shaped window above the bed. I kind of want to incorporate a shelf that runs the full width of that wall and sits right below the window. I would have to readdress the curtains or maybe find another window treatment but I do feel like that wall is lacking. Wood paneling underneath could also be nice.

Imagine the window above the shelf, maybe not so wide but wide enough to keep cute little knickknacks.


Now for the side tables, I know we need something narrow with drawers to hide all our clutter. We also tend to lose real-estate from lamps so I want install sconces above the tables.

An option like this for the night stands…with some hardware.


An industrial looking sconce to further hint at the industrial vibe.


And there are all my plans for the Master Bedroom! Things are bound to change but I am excited to get more out of this room. I will be on the lookout for second hand furniture, as that is always my go-to but we may see some new pieces in here soon!

Rachel Williams

Artist | Designer | Educator

Making mistakes and fixing them, so you don’t have to